Given the general direction of the New Southbound Policy, the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) is implementing the Taiwan Connection Project to deepen existing connections and to promote substantial partnership between Taiwan and the target countries. This project encourages universities and research institutes in Taiwan to form education and research exchange platforms between five institutes in Taiwan and the partner countries (at least two institutes in each country).
The Tasks for Taiwan – Austronesian Connection

- Encourage exchange opportunities on education and culture,
- Initiate collaborations based on the distinctiveness of each country
- Provide a range of diverse channels to promote Taiwanese talents
- Maintain online information database regularly
- Collect and analyze existing resources in Taiwan to contribute to the goals of Taiwan Connection.

Taiwan-Austronesian Connection

The Centre for International Indigenous Affairs has been commissioned by the MOE to focus building partnership with New Zealand. As Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples, we share a special bond with Māori. We look forward to working with New Zealand’s wide range education institutions under MOE’s project as well as II – ANZTEC Chapter 19 – Cooperation on Indigenous Issues (see Appendix II later) to advance new opportunities and cooperation between our peoples.