National Dong Hwa University’s Center for International Affairs welcomed our visiting faculty and students from Western Sydney University (WSU), Australia. Their delegation consists of Indigenous students of the Kamilaroi, Ngemba Weilwan, Wiradjuri, Warrimay(Worimi), and Guribunga clans. The students have various academic backgrounds with some pursuing a bachelor’s in nursing, some pursuing a bachelor’s in cyber security, and some pursuing a bachelor’s in Aboriginal primary education. The WSU delegation is leading by Professor Yi-Chen Lan (藍易振), the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Global Development Provost, and other visiting faculty members include Fiona Towney (Wiradjuri) the Director of the Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education at WSU, Kylie Beerens (Kamilaroi) Executive Assistant and Project Officer for the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Global Development.
The students took a brief tour around campus and explored the College of Indigenous Studies (CIS) building before joining members of the CIS faculty and Dance Troupe for a welcome dinner and celebration. The WSU delegation then followed Mr. Pasuya Yasiugu Ne Niayoeova’s (安梓濱,Cou) Dance Troupe to join in on the troupe’s weekly dance practice and rehearsal. The WSU students learned about the various styles of Taiwanese Indigenous and dances and participated in a traditional Coastal Amis dance alongside the CIS Dance Troupe. Samuel Morris (Guribunga) also graced us with a beautiful rendition of the Australian anthem sang in his mother tongue, and Kirralaa Williams (Ngemba/Weilwan) also taught the CIS Dance Troupe a dance from her clan as well.
From right to left: NDHU Vice President Dr. Hui-Mi Hsu, WSU Pro Vice- Chancellor Dr. Yi-Chen Lan, Dean of NDHU College of Indigenous Studies Dr. Chung-Shan Shih.
During the WSU delegation’s second day at the College of Indigenous Studies, they attended an orientation at the Taluan located on the second floor of the CIS building. Masegeseg Z.Gadu (童春發, Paiwan), CIS’s former Dean performed a traditional Paiwan cultural blessing and the dean of CIS, Dr. Chung-Shan Shih (石忠山, Amis/Pangcah), also formally welcomed WSU to campus. National Dong Hwa University’s Vice President 徐輝明 also formally gave WSU a heartfelt welcome to campus and presented WSU’s Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global Development Provost, Professor Yi-Chen Lan, with a gift. Professor Yi-Chen Lan, in return, also surprised NDHU’s Vice President with an incredible gift made using traditional Australian Indigenous craftsmanship and artwork. Later in the afternoon, Dr. Chung-Shan Shih also taught the WSU students their first lecture on “Unequal Treatment and Good Governance”. This first lecture left the students inspired and they had many thoughts to share and exchange with us and each other.
This program and exchange between National Dong Hwa University and Western Sydney University under the New Colombo Plan was first envisioned last year during the height of COVID, where NDHU officially became a sister university with WSU. Through the hard work and efforts of both NDHU’s Center for International Indigenous Affairs (CIIA) and WSU’s Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education and the work of Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor Yi-Chen Lan. “The hopes and goal of this exchange is to pave the road for building a lasting connection and relationship between the Indigenous students of WSU and the Indigenous students at NDHU”, said CIIA Director Dr. Jolan Hsieh (謝若蘭,Siraya). Pro Vice-Chancellor Lan echoes that with the New Colombo Plan founded by the Australian government serving as a bridge connecting Australia and Taiwan.
The CIIA invite NDHU students and faculty and general public to come for our Indigenous Knowledge Public Lecture series, for more information please check our website (

The WSU delegation join in CIS Dance Troupe’s weekly dance practice and rehearsal.

CIS’s former Dean, Dr. Masegeseg Z.Gadu, performed a traditional Paiwan cultural blessing for WSU guests.

WSU delegation group photo on campus.