“2018 Int’l Cooperation: Examples of Best Practices, FICHET”

Developing a Broad Vision in the Huadong Valley,
National Dong Hwa University Spares No Effort to Promote Taiwan’s Global Visibility

Taiwan-Aotearoa Connection: Austronesian Education Project is one-of-a-kind for its content, namely the exchange of Aboriginal-related research and activities between Taiwan and New Zealand by means of academic exchange, official visit to institutions and communities, student internship, and so forth. It shows great potential for sustainability, providing the groves of academe in Taiwan and New Zealand with the opportunity for reciprocal cooperation.


Land Acknowledgment

Land Acknowledgment We, the Center for International Indigenous Affairs, respectfully acknowledge that National Dong Hwa University is located on the…

The 20th Anniversary Celebration of the College of Indigenous Studies – CIIA Review