Taiwan-Australia Indigenous Knowledge, Land, and Relationality as Pedagogy
On Tuesday, November 21st – The Center for International Indigenous Affairs at National Dong Hwa University’s College of Indigenous Studies welcomed our visiting faculty and second cohort of students from Western Sydney University(WSU), Australia. This year’s delegation was also led by Professor Yi-Chen Lan(藍易振), the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Global Development Provost, and other visiting faculty members…
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series “Going Backward into the Future: the changes and reconstruction of the weaving culture of contemporary facial tattooed ethnic groups” from Dr. Shu-chuan Lai.
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series “Going Backward into the Future: the changes and reconstruction of the weaving culture of contemporary facial tattooed ethnic groups” from Dr. Shu-chuan Lai. Today’s lecture titled “Going Backward into the Future: the changes and reconstruction of the weaving culture of contemporary facial tattooed ethnic groups” taught by professor…
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series“Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Rights in a Nutshell” from Dr. Awi Mona.
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series“Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Rights in a Nutshell” from Dr. Awi Mona. Today’s lecture, “Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Rights in a Nutshell”, from our Indigenous Knowledge Lecture Series was taught by Dr. Awi Mona. This lecture focused on Indigenous rights from a legal framework and introduced our WSU students to the…
Students from Western Sydney University attended a lecture from Indigenous Knowledge series by Professor Umin Itei. The theme is “Initiative of Indigenous Health Rights in Taiwan”.
Students from Western Sydney University attended a lecture from Indigenous Knowledge series by Professor Umin Itei. The theme is “Initiative of Indigenous Health Rights in Taiwan”. Another lecture from our Indigenous Knowledge series taught by the ever so wonderful Professor Umin Itei. This lecture was titled: “Initiative of Indigenous Health Rights in Taiwan”. Our WSU…
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series“Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Movements: Colonial Legacy and Neo-Colonialism” from Dr. Chen Yi-fong.
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series“Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Movements: Colonial Legacy and Neo-Colonialism” from Dr. Chen Yi-fong. Another recap from our Indigenous Knowledge lecture series! This lecture, titled: “Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Movements: Colonial Legacy and Neo-Colonialism”, was taught by our avid baseball fan and expert hiker Dr. Chen Yi-fong. 陳毅峰 The students…
WSU faculty and students Saturday time at the Pulima Art Festival (located in Hualien County Cultural and Creative Industries Park)
WSU faculty and students Saturday time at the Pulima Art Festival (located in Hualien County Cultural and Creative Industries Park) A quick recap of a Saturday spent together with our WSU faculty and students in Hualien City! We explored the exhibits that are a part of the Pulima Art Festival inside of the Hualien Cultural…
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series “Atmosphere and Indigenous Tourism in Taiwan” from Dr. Wagi Payan.
WSU student’s participated Indigenous Knowledge lecture series “Atmosphere and Indigenous Tourism in Taiwan” from Dr. Wagi Payan. Photos from Dr. Wagi Payan’s lecture: “Atmosphere and Indigenous Tourism in Taiwan” Western Sydney University students were asked to think about “tourism” and it’s ethical indications when it comes to Indigenous “tourism” in Taiwan. #Facebook article link
Western Sydney University faculty and students visited Tafalong’s Kakita’an and their new museum.
Western Sydney University faculty and students visited Tafalong’s Kakita’an and their new museum. A recap of WSU’s visit to Tafalong, the largest Pangcah (Amis) community here in Hualien, Taiwan. The Western Sydney University students visited Tafalong’s Kakita’an and their new museum. They were welcomed by Tipus Auntie and our guide Sifo Lakaw. They finished they…
Western Sydney University participated in the jade crafts workshop on November 22, 2023 (Wednesday)
This afternoon our visiting WSU students and faculty members were able to participate in a Jade Craftsmanship Workshop taught by Mr. 林銀火 and assistant teacher Ms. 毛皓亞. The were each given three pieces of jade -each with its own special function. #Facebook article link
Western Sydney University attended the first Aboriginal Knowledge Public Lecture Series presented by Professor Kerim Friedman.
Western Sydney University attended the first Aboriginal Knowledge Public Lecture Series presented by Professor Kerim Friedman. This morning our wonderful students from Western Sydney University attended the first of their Indigenous Knowledge Public Lecture Series. This lecture, taught by Professor Kerim Friedman, was titled “What does it mean to be ‘Indigenous’ Taiwanese?”. The students were…
Western Sydney University‘s first day on campus.
Western Sydney University‘s first day on campus. Today was Western Sydney University’s first day on campus! They were welcomed by CIS’s very own dance troupe led by Mr. Pasuya Yasiungu Ne Niayoeova. Together they learned about songs and dances from several different Indigenous Peoples across Taiwan. #Facebook…
Center For International Indigenous Affairs’ 2023 Indigenous knowledge Public Lecture Series
This upcoming week we have a series of public lectures facilitated by the Center For International Indigenous Affairs, and taught by our wonderful professors here at NDHU’s College of Indigenous Studies. This is a lecture series on Indigenous knowledge organized for our visiting Indigenous scholars from Western Sydney University, but also open to the rest…